One of my favorite chefs of all time is Jacques Pepin….the other rainy morning (one of our many this winter) I was ensconced in bed, surrounded by the pups watching old school cooking shows. Jacques Pepin was doing a show on fish and prepared this wonderful looking shrimp patty.  Amy decided to try her hand at it. Now that she’s working for a living she needs quick and tasty meals that don’t break the budget. This one was born to please….


for 2


Cut the shrimp in half. Place the tail ends in the food processor with the clove of garlic and a squeeze of lemon juice (just a touch maybe a teaspoon). Pulse a couple of times to form a paste.  Then mix this paste with the top ends of the shrimp you cut, Sous Salt and Pepper (you could also add red pepper flakes if you would like a bit of a kick). Wet your hands and gently make two patties. Place these in a heated skillet that you’ve added 1 T of olive oil to.  Brown them on both sides apx 2 mins a side. They’ll be done when the patties are firm to the touch and the golden brown color Amy gave to the shrimp in the photo. Plate with the arugula and spicy aioli.