beef bourguignon…

There is probably nothing more satisfying to my family than a wonderful stew for Sunday dinner.  This recipe I've been working on for many years. It's perfect now! Just a few notes....don't buy stew meat from the market. It's generally just scrapes of all cuts of meat. What you want is the beef shoulder or what is called a chuck roast.  It will remain tender after the hours of cooking. If you've ever made tough stew it is because you used the loin which doesn't respond to long, low cooking. The other thing that I think made this rich with lovely [...]

beef bourguignon…2022-01-15T12:31:08-08:00

furstman family meat loaf ~

This is a wonderful Fall evening meal.  Especially when served with the season's finest corn on the cob.  This time of year the corn is the sweetest. Whether you grill it or steam it season the corn with our Smoked Paprika Blend to enhance the flavor. Furstman Family Meatloaf! Ingredients: 3 lbs lean ground beef 1 tablespoon chopped, fresh chives, plus 1 teaspoon for the sauce 1 tablespoon chopped, fresh thyme leaves, plus 1 teaspoon for the sauce 1 tablespoon chopped, fresh Italian parsley, plus 1 teaspoon for the sauce 3 large eggs 1 1/3 cups finely ground Panko 1 T basil pesto ¼ [...]

furstman family meat loaf ~2022-01-15T12:31:10-08:00


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